Radio Controlled Robotics
A beginner course in programming for remote operation
No Prerequisites
$2100 - 2.0 Credits
​In-Person Course
Course Dates
Radio Controlled Robotics
Class Number 44075
March 10 - April 16
2:30pm - 4:30pm
12 Sessions
RF Technology
Power control
Motor Drivers
Signal properties and troubleshooting
Antenna theory
Remote video systems
Video latency
Small mechanical drive systems
Gearing and gear ratio principles
Soldering skills
Wiring layout and signal concerns
Dealing with sensitive electronics in harsh environments
Conformal coating, device potting and other protection methods
Electronic troubleshooting and repair
​During this course, students will discover the art of customizing a ground-based vehicle platform (RC Car) to accomplish various tasks with distance, temperature, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and other crucial sensors. With a focus on C++ programming and microcontrollers, students will gain hands-on experience with Arduino development platforms

This innovative course provides students with the opportunity to develop their skills by working on an individual project tailored to their unique interests. Each student will design and construct a personalized vehicle, equipped with necessary sensors, capable of accomplishing intricate tasks.
Upon completion of this innovative course, students will possess a solid understanding of basic robotics principles, C++ programming, and the ability to create unique custom vehicles.

Course Overview

Course Dates
Radio Controlled Robotics
Class Number 44075
March 10 - April 16
2:30pm - 4:30pm
12 Sessions
You can register by phone between 9am and 4pm PDT
Important - You will need a CTCLink ID number in order for us to help you over the phone or in person. You can follow the steps below to get one.
Fill out an application to Edmonds College:
* This can take 1-5 business days to get your ID
A few notes for your application:
Enroll as: "First Year"
Program: "Professional Technical"
Term: "_____" (Season plus year, such as: Spring 2023)
Degree or Certificate: "Undecided - Professional Technical"
Once you have received your CTC Link ID number please let us know and we can get you registered for your class.
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Registering Online
Washington State colleges are now using CTCLink for all student services.
Follow the link below - login in or create an account
Go to "Student Homepage"
Choose "Manage Classes"
"Class Search and Enroll"
Choose Edmonds College and the quater (Control + F to search page)
Search for class name or number (Class Number will get you to where you want faster)
Online Registration Login Page - CTCLInk
NOTE - All our classes fall under "Special Topics: Manufacturing".