No Prerequisites
$2100 - 3.5 Credits
In Person Course
CAD to CNC Machine Control Course
Practical Machining

Course Dates
Practical Machining
Feb 18 - April 24
2:30pm - 4:30pm
20 Sessions
CNC Principles
CNC Controller software installation and configuration
Controller calibration
Fusion 360 part design concepts
Creating toolpaths in Fusion 360
Basic pocket cutting
Material cutting rate (Feeds and speeds)
Surface finish
Tabbed contour cut parts
Two sided parts
Three dimensional parts
CAM Smoothing principles and testing
Mold making
Increasing surface quality
Multipart alignment
Creating tooling for parts
Fabricating precision measurement tools (parallels, 123 blocks, squares, go/no go)

This is designed as a compliment to the in-person Mechanical Automation Systems Engineering program however it's also for anyone interested in learning the CAD to Machine workflow.
The goal is to better understand the electromechanical systems involved in controlling these types of machines and an even deeper study on the workflow of machining. This workflow includes the creation of models in CAD software, building toolpaths for cutting the part, generating the gcode to perform these operations, and then running the program on the CNC machines students built in the previous course.

Since this machining process is done entirely by students on their own they will need to understand all the steps needed to achieve the results they're after.
Depending on the part, this can start with work holding and part indexing but also lead to more complicated tasks such as creating holding fixtures, machining accurate stock blanks, vacuum tables, two sided parts, and tabs. And this is just thinking about how the part's going into the machine.
There are many choices you make as an NC programmer and a machinist as to how a part will look coming off the machine. What will the finish look like? Will it need hand finishing? Which end mills should be used and what are the best feeds and speeds?
There's even more concerns as to how much material will be used, how long the process will take and often how easy will this be to set up the next time the job is ran.

As with many things it's a process that can seem simple enough on the surface but the practical application is quite a bit more detailed with many choices and mistakes to be made.
Course Overview

Course Dates
Practical Machining
Feb 18 - April 24
2:30pm - 4:30pm
20 Sessions

You can register by phone between 9am and 4pm PDT
Important - You will need a CTCLink ID number in order for us to help you over the phone or in person. You can follow the steps below to get one.
Fill out an application to Edmonds College:
* This can take 1-5 business days to get your ID
A few notes for your application:
Enroll as: "First Year"
Program: "Professional Technical"
Term: "_____" (Season plus year, such as: Spring 2023)
Degree or Certificate: "Undecided - Professional Technical"
Once you have received your CTC Link ID number please let us know and we can get you registered for your class.
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NOTE - All our classes fall under "Special Topics: Manufacturing".